Hide & Seek

Decoration Promotion

Mobile Footer_Hide and seek_Interstitial Image. Pull-up prompts to foster audience engagement, and reveal interstitial image after interaction. The interstital images can showcase more detailed product offers and promotions!

Event party

Mobile Footer_Hide and seek_Interstitial Video. Pull-up prompts to foster audience engagement, and reveal interstitial video after interaction. The interstital video can showcase more detailed product offers and promotions!

Travel Trip

Mobile Footer_Hide and seek_Interstitial Combo. Pull-up prompts to foster audience engagement, and reveal interstitial card within both image and video after interaction. The interstital card can showcase more detailed product offers and promotions!

ADS Specialist

We help agencies and brands plan, execute, and optimize high-performing ad campaigns with engaging custom rich media creatives and advanced targeting.


5200 Blue logoon Dr.Suite 840,
Miami FL 33126 – 7004 USA

Phone: + 1 786 477 2447
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: http://blaster.biz