Easy Shop|Mid-year Shopping Festival

Mobile Footer_Spin_Rectangle and Interstitial Card

  • Dimension:The ratio of bottom images is 2:1 (Responsive, Fit to 90% width of device). Interstitial Card: Responsive, Fit to width of device
  • Ad Manager(DFP)Size:1×1
  • Bottom Image File:file size limit: 2 MB, JPG/PNG/GIF, dimension: 600×300
  • Interstitial Card Image File:file size limit: 2 MB, JPG/PNG/GIF, dimension: 320×480

ADS Specialist

We help agencies and brands plan, execute, and optimize high-performing ad campaigns with engaging custom rich media creatives and advanced targeting.


5200 Blue logoon Dr.Suite 840,
Miami FL 33126 – 7004 USA

Phone: + 1 786 477 2447
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: http://blaster.biz